Saturday, June 9, 2007

Session 5 blog

Overtime, technology has enabled individuals to communicate and interact with others in places that were thought to be hard and impossible to do so. As portable devices such as cell phones, laptops and PDAs have become more user-friendly and technologically reliable to use and communicate with, this has allowed individuals to spend less time at home and more time outside in communicating and interacting with others. As a result of advanced technology enabling individuals to establish new norms and values overtime on how technology is used and viewed, advanced technology also plays a big role in how in an individual’s ability to easily and comfortably communicate physically and socially with others.

I feel that through time and the establishment of new norms and values, this has enabled the connotation and denotation of jargons and terms that were used in the past to be used and interpreted differently today and in the future by the U.S and other countries.I feel that the downfall of new languages and terms being created and established by individuals and the world is that this could possibly result in particular cultures to lose their preserved and historical history, language and traditions. I feel that one solution that allows an individual’s culture to be somewhat preserved, while conforming to the norms and values of society is to adopt norms and values that both help to preserve historical norms and values. In doing this, particular cultures could relate and integrate their preserved and historical cultural norms and values with present and future society norms and values.

The English language is the current, dominant and universal language that is spoken learned and written throughout the world. This is mainly due to the historical influences that the U.S has played in various countries around the world. I feel that in encouraging and teaching bilingualism to individuals, this can allow people from different parts of the world to have another form of connection and communication with each other, besides the Internet.

Because youthful individuals may live longer and have better physical and mental skills than adults, teenagers may be looked at to maintaining and promoting the fashionable and hot technology, in which they will shape and influence that way society, the world interacts with each other and how they go about doing their daily routines.

Internet article:


Anonymous said...

I agree with Matt that we should encourage and teach our kids to be fluent in more than one language. In today’s society it seems like it would be advantageous for one to be bilingual. It really can be a heads up for you in some occupations such as ones with the government or one dealing with constant contact with people who aren’t native English speakers. I also feel like it would be a good way to pass on one’s culture.

Just1n said...

The world does seem to be heading down the path of global convergence. I also feel that the web is helping to facilitate the destruction of old cultures and languages. It might not seem like that now, where people are free to put whatever they want on the web, and some of which is cultural memorials.

But in the future, these could be seen as reminders of a forgotten past, and not necessarily as a tool to preserve culture and language. If everyone already needs to know English to access anything online, and more and more is becoming based around online experiences, then why even learn another language. This is just a possible future I see.