Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Session 10 Blog

Technology is relied upon to meet the increasing needs and demands of society over time. Through effective technology use and innovations, long-term financial and social stability are hopes to being the end results.

Flipping through all of Session 10’s readings, I felt that they were all long and boring, but found some points about technology meeting economical and social needs of the consumers to be interesting. These readings also reminded me of the movie, I-Robot and the cartoon, The Jetsons. In the movie and the cartoon, almost any labor and services that are currently done exclusively by humans are replaced by robots and hi-tech computers. As a result, people have more leisure time in doing physical and social activities that bring them great joy.

If the U.S and its businesses are in the direction of increasingly relying upon robots and computers to perform quality jobs in an efficient amount of time overtime, this would mean that individuals would lose their jobs and have their unique labor and skills to be replaced by robots and computers. But, I feel that no matter what new technology is doing to enrich the lives of individuals, people still need physical and social assurance that only human interactions can truly provide. Like today, when I am surfing the Internet to learn more about the services that a particular business offers such as a bank or a credit card company, although I am free and able to access to information that I seek, I get the occasional pop up screen that there is a physical human being who is physically available online to talk with me and is able to truly understand what my needs and concerns are and is able to directly answer any questions and concerns that I may have.

I feel that the power from a united group of people can collectively have the power to influence the policies and practices of corporate businesses. This is because the consumers and the economy play a big role in influencing the success or failure of a corporate business.

Current technology enables more people to telecommute more than ever, in which it enables them to work at home without spending a lot of time in traffic, allow them to spend more time getting personal obligations done and spend more face-to-face time with their family. But, as a result of telecommuting, people may face the problem of suffering from Workaholism. This means that people may struggle to leave work at work, work more hours than necessary and feel the needs to constantly work because of the convenience and ease of accessibility to work at home.


Anonymous said...

I think that we do forget about the bad effects technology has on us. I think you did a good job on pointing those flaws out. I think it should scare people that we have become workaholics and aren't able to leave work at work. Having the ability to work from your own home office is cool , but if you are in your office 7 days a week and never leave that part of the house, then you have defeated the main reason for people working at home. Working at home is supposed to allow you to take a break and go throw a ball with your kids and be at the dinner table at dinner.

Just1n said...

Yeah, working at home is definatly the wave of the future. As the world becomes more and more 'flat', more people in a variety of industries will get the opportunity to work from home. I just hope that like you said Feven, they treat it as different from going to work. It is a more relaxing environment where true work can be accomplished, and multi-tasking with the family can, and has to occur.