Saturday, June 9, 2007

Session 4 Blog

All the articles under Session 4 talked about how individuals can use computers and the Internet to have their physical, emotional and social needs met. The Internet allows individuals to share and express their thoughts and feelings with others who may be thinking and feeling the same way. The articles also mention how individuals have online interactions with others, in order to have a means to have their personal thoughts and feelings heard and met. Although I feel that the Internet is a great way for individuals to communicate and establish social relationships with others, The Internet does not do a good job in truly providing the physical, social and emotional needs that can only be met by physically contacts and interactions with another human individual.Although Webcams can allow individuals from different parts of the world to physically see each other, I feel that a strong and established sense of rapport, trust and intimacy among individuals can truly be maintained and strengthened through time being invested to physically and socially interacting face-to-face with the other person.With more use of electronics, there is less face-to-face interactions and communication with other people, in which it could result in less quality time being spent in establishing a relationship with someone.

More use of e-mail and the Internet can result in individuals to have less formal face-to-face communication with others. The Internet allows people to momentarily escape reality and vent thoughts and feelings in an outlet that they feel is safe and effective. I feel that one’s culture truly influences that way an individual communicates and interacts with others in society. I feel that introverted people are less likely to have physical and social interactions with their peers than extroverted individuals.I agreed with Article 2 on how the Internet can help promote increased well-being and reduce loneliness for extroverts because extroverts probably have the skills and ability to be able to interact, communicate and establish friendships with others online.

I agree with how increased internet use can result in an individual to spend less quality time with friends and family. This is probably because individuals who may be on the Internet for long periods of time may not have the time and motivation to strengthen and reinforce their relationship with friends and family. As a result, individuals who use the Internet for long periods of time may have less of the necessary face-to-face interactions with friends and family.From the all the Session 4 articles, I feel that one person is able to truly learn and know more about the other person through quality time spent together physically, emotionally and socially. Spoken and unspoken norms and values of the other person can only be learned and observed through a lot of time invested in physically interacting and being with them.

Internet article:

Posted by
Matt at 5:25 PM

1 comments:Fevie said...I agree with Matt about how people are spending less face-to-face time together.The Internet,along with other accessories such as the web-camera and microphone, is allowing people to choose to stay on their computers instead of actually going out to meet people in person and really get to connect with them. I feel that yes you can make friendships online, but they don't compare at all to the friends you make in real life whom you make face-to-face contact with.June 7, 2007 2:06 PM

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