Friday, June 29, 2007

Session 11 Blog

Cars change in its use and function overtime. This can be said for technology also. Overtime, new forms of technology are created, in order to ease physical and social stresses that exist in peoples’ daily lives. As a result, this means that technology companies are pressured by people and society in creating the next new innovations. But overtime, this means that people are forced to keep up with the knowledge and skills of being able to successfully operate new and future pieces of technology. This results in a group of people who are not able to keep up with the latest technology trend to be left behind, while becoming technologically-deficient. This results in a Digital divide.

Although Digital divides exist in the community among the rich, poor, technologically sufficient and deficient, I feel that there is a practical solution that will help to lessen the existing Digital divide. The idea of “Grassroots organizing,” people and businesses in the local community can unite as one in helping each other to learn more about the benefits that current and future technology has to offer. This is possible through a variety of computer classes that are publicly offered at schools, libraries and community centers in the community. Not only will the computer classes in the community help to offer people in the community to help each other, increased socialization among members will help to promote a strong sense of community unity and pride, in which it can help to establish and maintain strong community cohesion.

Computer classes can be offered on a weekly or monthly basis, in order to encourage people in the community to learn how to use a computer and promote continuity in learning more about technological revolutions overtime. In tailoring the computer lessons to be fun, educational and informative than boring and verbatim, people in the community are probably more likely to continually attend computer classes and view computers and technology in a whole new way.

Teaching the basics of reading and writing can be done with computers that are programmed with reading, writing and speaking programs. As a result, computers can be used to visually and verbally teach people how to read, write and speak a basic language. But, before individuals are able to use and learn more about the personal benefits that computers can offer, they need to learn the basic of using a computer and the true purposes and reasons that computers exist.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Session 10 Blog

Technology is relied upon to meet the increasing needs and demands of society over time. Through effective technology use and innovations, long-term financial and social stability are hopes to being the end results.

Flipping through all of Session 10’s readings, I felt that they were all long and boring, but found some points about technology meeting economical and social needs of the consumers to be interesting. These readings also reminded me of the movie, I-Robot and the cartoon, The Jetsons. In the movie and the cartoon, almost any labor and services that are currently done exclusively by humans are replaced by robots and hi-tech computers. As a result, people have more leisure time in doing physical and social activities that bring them great joy.

If the U.S and its businesses are in the direction of increasingly relying upon robots and computers to perform quality jobs in an efficient amount of time overtime, this would mean that individuals would lose their jobs and have their unique labor and skills to be replaced by robots and computers. But, I feel that no matter what new technology is doing to enrich the lives of individuals, people still need physical and social assurance that only human interactions can truly provide. Like today, when I am surfing the Internet to learn more about the services that a particular business offers such as a bank or a credit card company, although I am free and able to access to information that I seek, I get the occasional pop up screen that there is a physical human being who is physically available online to talk with me and is able to truly understand what my needs and concerns are and is able to directly answer any questions and concerns that I may have.

I feel that the power from a united group of people can collectively have the power to influence the policies and practices of corporate businesses. This is because the consumers and the economy play a big role in influencing the success or failure of a corporate business.

Current technology enables more people to telecommute more than ever, in which it enables them to work at home without spending a lot of time in traffic, allow them to spend more time getting personal obligations done and spend more face-to-face time with their family. But, as a result of telecommuting, people may face the problem of suffering from Workaholism. This means that people may struggle to leave work at work, work more hours than necessary and feel the needs to constantly work because of the convenience and ease of accessibility to work at home.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Session 9 blog.

The Internet is a great tool that enables anyone in the world to easily and instantly communicate and gather needed information. With WiFi technology, this enables people to easily surf the Internet virtually anywhere in public. As a result, a group of people may be using the same wireless band. This may mean less Internet speed for users and the risk of identity theft over wireless transactions. But, with advanced Internet security policies created by the U.S government, this can force Internet and wireless technology companies to provide secure means of safe and private internet transactions.

The U.S government is responsible for promoting the health and well-being of tens and thousands of people in the U.S. They are funded by tax money from tax payers. Elected officials who are chosen and voted and trusted upon by the public, are relied upon to run the government the way the public wants them to run. The U.S government is looked and relied upon to help provide the means and power to regulate and enforce social and health policies that individuals may not be able to do on their own. As part of their assumed duties, the U.S government is looked at as an Internet police, in which they help to police and regulate internet from posing potential and serious physical and social harms to U.S society and its citizens. They also help to prevent a U.S company from having a sole monopoly in a particular business, in which it may result in unfair business practices and competition.

As the lives of U.S citizens and the demands of the world continually increase overtime, people demands for a particular technology will also increase. As a result, their lives may become more hectic than in the past and constantly feel less satisfied without constant possession of a particular piece of technology. For me, I feel that advanced and wireless technology has made people more greedy and demanding of new technology. As a result, people are not happy for a long time and cannot settle for what they have. For me, I am guilty for being someone who cannot leave the house without his cell phone. The instant gratifications and communications that cell phones provide help in rewarding my behavior for using and owning a cell phone. Although I love my cell phone, I realize the importance of having and maintaining physical and social contacts with my family and friends. A cell phone is replaceable, but friends and family are hard to replace when they are no longer a part of an individual’s life.

I feel T.V and not the Internet is where politicians focus their promotion of Ad campaigns. T.V is almost available and is constantly looked at by people in public and private places. The Internet is only accessible to those who either use the Internet or have access to it.

As Internet technology improves overtime and is easily accessible in rural and remote areas of the U.S, this can help to bridge the gap between the poor and the rich. As a result, everyone is able to have the same rights and access to virtually get any U.S government information online. Although

Although online U.S government information can reduce the need for people to leave their homes, I feel that this cannot replace face to face interactions. People need physical assurance and comfort about getting questions, concerns and needs met and heard.

News article:

Monday, June 18, 2007

Session 8 Blog(Backup)

The New Medicine: E-Healthcare (Shneiderman, Chapter 8)

Diseases are part of human life. With new, current and innovative medical technology, this allows diseases such as Polio, Tuberculosis and Malaria to be easily treated. Ongoing Medical research and studies are what make it possible for doctors and researchers to learn more about illnesses and ways to treat them. This is in hopes of helping people manage their pains and live longer and healthier lives.

Computer help contribute towards medical research. The Medical field works to promoting worldwide health. Organized and easily accessible medical records of a patient’s medical history and prescriptions are issues that many hospitals and doctors face. This may be due to the lack of medical records being computerized for easy online access almost anywhere in the world. As a result, this can prevent swift and appropriate medical services to occur, if the proper medical information is not easily accessible. Individuals can easily access their credit card statements and airline reservations online. Issues of privacy and personal information violations with online medical records can occur because anybody can take advantage of and exploit someone’s medical information. Medical information published online can display a doctor’s mistake or misdiagnosis on a particular patient. The issue of patient/physician confidentiality can be jeopardized, if patient’s info. is publicly accessible.

Online communities for patient groups can establish a social and support network for individuals who are facing similar health problems. This helps in providing a way for individuals to talk about and cope with their health problems. An online community of physicians can allow physicians around the world to talk about their patients’ health and illnesses.

World Wide Med is an online system that allows an individual’s medical history to be known and understood by doctors and hospitals around the world.

Empowering patients to use and know more about World WideMed requires education and costly equipment, in which it may discourage an individual from getting the adequate medical treatment. With medical and financial assistance from the U.S government, the cost of medical treatment can be reduced for individuals and increased promotion of physical well-being. As a result, this can allow for equal medical care access for all (Shneiderman, 2002, pg.175).

Improved medical data can result in fast and early detections of possible illnesses that an individual may have such as cancer or food poisoning. If an illness is caught early, interventions can take place in possibly treating and preventing it from full development (pg.162).

Technology such as swallowable TV cameras and bracelets that measure and monitor your temperature and internal organ functioning can enable doctors to easily monitor an individual’s health and help in detecting early signs of a major illness ( pg. 164).
Discussion questions
Do you feel safe about having your medical information being available online?

What if there are strict medical and online regulations placed on an individual’s online medical records?

Would you wear an implanted chip that would allow almost any authorized medical personnel to know more about your medical history, in which it would prevent your personnel medical information from being found online?

Do you feel that it is necessary for doctors around the world to communicate together online about the health and well-being of their patients, in hopes of finding cures and solutions to ameliorate physical illnesses and pains?

How much is your health worth? Is there an ideal price on the cost of receiving good medical care?

Online Health Search 2006 (Pew Internet)

80% of American internet users or some 113 million adults have used to the internet to seek information about 1 out of 17 health topics (Fox, 2006, pg. 2). Like 2002 and 2004, groups of people such as: Women, internet users under 65 years of age, college graduates and those with online experience and broadband access at home were most likely to research health information online in 2006(pg.2). Internet users who have gone to their doctor in the past year are more likely than those who did not to look at online health information (84% v.s 66%) (pg.8). Internet users with health insurance are equally likely than those without health insurance to get information online (pg.8).

Over the last 7 years, the Pews Internet & American Life Project and other research organizations found that use of the internet to gather health information is something that has remained a popular activity for most internet users. Similar trends were found for internet users looking for online health information (pg.8). In their survey, the Pews Internet & American Life Project found that about 8 million adults who searched for health topics in August, 2006 were about the equivalent amount to those who used the internet for paying bills online, reading blogs or looking up phone numbers on a daily basis (pg.8).

In 2006, 15 % of internet users have used the internet to get information about dental health. Individuals with home broadband internet access were more likely than dial-up users to seek dental information. 16 % of internet users who have seen a doctor in the past year have looked for dental information online. This is in comparison with 8% of internet users who have not seen a doctor (pg.10).

“Forty-eight percent of health seekers say that the last time they went online for health or medical information, their quest was related to someone else’s situation. Thirty-six percent of health seekers say that their last search was in relation to their own health or medical situation. Eight percent say that they do not remember or did not answer the question (pg.12).” “Parents are more likely to than non-parents to look for health information on behalf of someone else, compared with 44% of health seekers who do not have children living at home (pg.12).” About 66 % of health information was found by using general search engines such as Yahoo and Google (pg.12). About 33% of online users decided to talk with a doctor or a health professional after doing some online health research, while 66% of users did not go see a doctor or health professional. This worries the Medical field about the dangers of individuals self-medicating and diagnosing themselves without seeking professional medical advice (pg.13).

Discussion questions

Do you use the internet as a source of medical information?

How much trust do you place on online medical sites such as Web MD, Intelli Health etc. ?

What do you think medical websites can do to make their sites from user-friendly?

Do you think online medical sites can result in doctors to lose potential visitation fees?

What do you think are the top 10 health issues/problems that the internet should provide more information about?


Fox, S. (October 29,2006). Online Health Search 2006. Retrieved June 18, 2007, from PEW INTERNET AND AMERICAN LIFE PROJECT Web site:

Shneiderman, B. (2002). Leonardo's Laptop. Cambridge,MA: Massachussets Institute of Technology.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Session 7 blog.

Technology is great and can benefit all, if only individuals want to use, know, need, want and have the money to use it. Technology can help individuals gather information in a more quick and efficient manner. As a result, individuals are able to multi-task and keep up with the daily needs and demands that society places upon them.

If an individual lacks the knowledge, skills and finance to use, own and access current technological devices such as I-pods, laptops(Notebook), cell phones and PDAS, then they lose out on the benefits that these devices can offer. As a result, individuals who don't own or often make use of current and future technological devices may feel lost and alienated from the" Hi-tech" crowd. But, I think as long as an individual is comfortable with their current use and possession of a particular piece of technology, it should not matter whether they have the latest piece of technology or not. As long as the individual feels that their piece of technology satisfies their physical, social and practical needs, that is what is most important. For example, my home computer has Windows XP and not the new Microsoft Vista. I am happy enough with what I have right now because my current academic and social needs are sufficiently met by Windows XP. If my needs ever change, I will know that Windows Vista or something new will meet my future needs.

I agree with the articles from Session 7 about how technology enables individuals to physically separate from each other. As a result, technology may discourage individuals from physically getting together as a group to discuss things and socialize with each other. This may also discourage people from physically getting together in hearing the voices, thoughts and feelings of each other. Although part of the class requirement is to write daily blogs like this and communicate with our group partners like this, I still enjoy the fact that I am able to physically interact, socialize, see and learn more about my group members and classmates.

As technological devices become more user-friendly for users, I feel that people will be less hesitant about technology and its uses. Although technology enables individuals to easily communicate with each other, I feel that no present and future technology is able to substitute or take over the physical and social benefits that human contact and interactions have to offer.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Session 6 Blog

I felt that the articles in Session 6 were very interesting to read. I felt that each article had their own interesting and boring sections, but each of them were unique in their own way.

I feel that mediums that promote Peer-to-peer interaction such as music, video, picture sharing encourage people to learn and interact with one another. You tube is a great example of a place that allows individuals to easily share and communicate their music, art, video and picture with each other.

I am amazed at the power and potential that PS3 (Playstation 3) has to offer. Knowing that PS3s are in need and demand by the government to help them with their work, this helps to prove how long term change and revolution in computer technology. As a result, game consoles may be used and looked on more as tools to help individuals improve their knowledge, physical and social skills than as something used to play games on and provides hours of entertainment.

I feel that individuals have the right to protect their hard work in creating an innovative idea or product. Although art and music are created for the public to enjoy, someone took the time and effort to make it possible. As a result, the creator of a particular art or music has the right to have their creations patented or copyrighted. But, even copyrighting and patenting can protect an individual’s creation for so long and much. I feel that as long as credit is given to the original creator of a particular art or creation, we can all benefit and learn from what others have made for society to see and use.

Although recording artists and companies may be upset about individuals swapping and transmitting the music from their store bought CDs because of the potential for them to lose potential profit, I see music swapping as a form of free marketing for the recording artists and companies. Free publicity means less money and time that recording artists and companies need to invest, in order to have their music heard and known.The people have the power and influence on how individuals get access to and whether they demand a particular music or recording artist to be publicly listened to.

Public radio stations that broadcast music, talk shows and news are free and publicly available because of the funds that corporate companies offer radio stations. As a result, this means people get their news, talk and music for free. But for those who want to listen to particular music, talk or news, satellite radio services such as XM and Sirius offer paid subscriptions. This means that paying subscribers have exclusive rights to listening to things that are not publicly broadcasted and for the general public to listen to.

Living in a society where we love to hear, see, touch, experience and see something new, I feel that we all love to find little ways to learn more about the world, our social environment and about each other. Being an active participant of the many available forms of media, I will pursue anything in society that appeals to my norms, values and interests.

Article about PS3 (PLAYSTATION 3):

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Session 4 Blog

All the articles under Session 4 talked about how individuals can use computers and the Internet to have their physical, emotional and social needs met. The Internet allows individuals to share and express their thoughts and feelings with others who may be thinking and feeling the same way. The articles also mention how individuals have online interactions with others, in order to have a means to have their personal thoughts and feelings heard and met. Although I feel that the Internet is a great way for individuals to communicate and establish social relationships with others, The Internet does not do a good job in truly providing the physical, social and emotional needs that can only be met by physically contacts and interactions with another human individual.Although Webcams can allow individuals from different parts of the world to physically see each other, I feel that a strong and established sense of rapport, trust and intimacy among individuals can truly be maintained and strengthened through time being invested to physically and socially interacting face-to-face with the other person.With more use of electronics, there is less face-to-face interactions and communication with other people, in which it could result in less quality time being spent in establishing a relationship with someone.

More use of e-mail and the Internet can result in individuals to have less formal face-to-face communication with others. The Internet allows people to momentarily escape reality and vent thoughts and feelings in an outlet that they feel is safe and effective. I feel that one’s culture truly influences that way an individual communicates and interacts with others in society. I feel that introverted people are less likely to have physical and social interactions with their peers than extroverted individuals.I agreed with Article 2 on how the Internet can help promote increased well-being and reduce loneliness for extroverts because extroverts probably have the skills and ability to be able to interact, communicate and establish friendships with others online.

I agree with how increased internet use can result in an individual to spend less quality time with friends and family. This is probably because individuals who may be on the Internet for long periods of time may not have the time and motivation to strengthen and reinforce their relationship with friends and family. As a result, individuals who use the Internet for long periods of time may have less of the necessary face-to-face interactions with friends and family.From the all the Session 4 articles, I feel that one person is able to truly learn and know more about the other person through quality time spent together physically, emotionally and socially. Spoken and unspoken norms and values of the other person can only be learned and observed through a lot of time invested in physically interacting and being with them.

Internet article:

Posted by
Matt at 5:25 PM

1 comments:Fevie said...I agree with Matt about how people are spending less face-to-face time together.The Internet,along with other accessories such as the web-camera and microphone, is allowing people to choose to stay on their computers instead of actually going out to meet people in person and really get to connect with them. I feel that yes you can make friendships online, but they don't compare at all to the friends you make in real life whom you make face-to-face contact with.June 7, 2007 2:06 PM

Session 5 blog

Overtime, technology has enabled individuals to communicate and interact with others in places that were thought to be hard and impossible to do so. As portable devices such as cell phones, laptops and PDAs have become more user-friendly and technologically reliable to use and communicate with, this has allowed individuals to spend less time at home and more time outside in communicating and interacting with others. As a result of advanced technology enabling individuals to establish new norms and values overtime on how technology is used and viewed, advanced technology also plays a big role in how in an individual’s ability to easily and comfortably communicate physically and socially with others.

I feel that through time and the establishment of new norms and values, this has enabled the connotation and denotation of jargons and terms that were used in the past to be used and interpreted differently today and in the future by the U.S and other countries.I feel that the downfall of new languages and terms being created and established by individuals and the world is that this could possibly result in particular cultures to lose their preserved and historical history, language and traditions. I feel that one solution that allows an individual’s culture to be somewhat preserved, while conforming to the norms and values of society is to adopt norms and values that both help to preserve historical norms and values. In doing this, particular cultures could relate and integrate their preserved and historical cultural norms and values with present and future society norms and values.

The English language is the current, dominant and universal language that is spoken learned and written throughout the world. This is mainly due to the historical influences that the U.S has played in various countries around the world. I feel that in encouraging and teaching bilingualism to individuals, this can allow people from different parts of the world to have another form of connection and communication with each other, besides the Internet.

Because youthful individuals may live longer and have better physical and mental skills than adults, teenagers may be looked at to maintaining and promoting the fashionable and hot technology, in which they will shape and influence that way society, the world interacts with each other and how they go about doing their daily routines.

Internet article: