Monday, July 2, 2007

Session 12 Blog

As people live longer and healthier lives, I feel that the future will look like The Jetsons. This means that we will probably have robots who will be doing the physical labor for us such as clean the house, repair things around the house and assist us in times of physical assistance when we are either physically ill or disabled. I agree with Shneiderman’s use of the term “User-friendly” on how technology in the future will enable people to be able to easily mange and take advantage of the benefits that evolving technology has to offer. In the Jetsons, there is a robot housekeeper named Rosie who is able to talk and interact with the family. I feel that Rosie is a great example of how technology can become more user-friendly and accessible for all.

With the cost of medical services constantly on the rise, robots and user-friendly technology can become cheap and effective ways to reducing one’s medical costs, while decreasing the need and dependence on others for help. As a result, individuals are able to have more disposable income and be able to live a happy and financially-stable life, while maintaining their independence as long as possible.

The Session 12 readings also reminded me about the movie I-Robot. Although I feel that it is possible for all pieces of technology to fail or betray us in many shapes and forms, I feel that the people will have the power and say to prevent technology from taking away our freedom. “We” the people have the power and authority to say and influence what technology will do and how it will become integrated our lives.